9 Holiday Tips For Keeping Your Pets Safe

Dogs thrive on a regular schedule. And that’s why we need to be mindful of a few safety tips during the holiday season – when parties, family get-togethers and time-off from work can alter our schedules.


Here are a few tips that can help you have a very “Furry Christmas & Happy New Year” with your pup!

1.) We tend to eat a lot during the holidays and often in informal settings away from the dinner table. Make sure you’re not leaving food when your fur buddy can grab it. And do we even need to tell you that chocolate (a food typically in abundance during the Yule season) is toxic to your dog? Make sure you inform your guests about not sharing chocolate – as they may not know.

2.) While we’re on the subject of toxic foods for canines, let’s also add to that list: xylitol (a natural sweetener), grapes/raisins & onions.

3.) In a similar manner, keep holiday plants, especially holly, mistletoe & lilies, out of the reach of your pets. 

4.) Never leave your pet unattended near your decorated Christmas tree or in a room with lit candles or even potpourri.

5.) Create a safe place for your dog to retreat from all the excitement, like a crate, kennel or favorite hiding place. Make sure that place has a comfortable bed or blanket as well as some of their toys. If you like, contact us here at Pampered Pet Resorts about your boarding options should you feel it best if your fur babies were out of the house while you’re entertaining or if you’re planning a holiday road trip.

6.) Secure your Christmas tree from falling over should your dog decide he or she wants to “play” with the tree and its ornaments. 

7.) Also keep wires, batteries and glass ornaments away from paw’s reach. All of these items can be easily deconstructed by your dog, resulting in the potential for serious harm to your pet.

8.) If you’re serving adult beverages (namely, alcohol), make sure you & your guests keep them away from the critters as alcohol can make your dog sick – it might even induce a coma or worse.

9.) As New Year’s approaches, the South has a long tradition of associating this holiday with fireworks. And we all know how traumatizing those can be for our pets. Be sure to secure your pets in a safe, escape-proof place as midnight on December 31st approaches.

Follow these few simple guidelines and you should be able to look forward to a long, happy and safe new year for you & your best buds.

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